Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Complicated

I saw the new Meryl Streep/Eric Baldwin movie, "It's Complicated" the other night and loved it! Meryl Streep's character was a divorced woman and in one scene, she was working with her architect to remodel her home and asked to have one of the two sinks removed in her bathroom. She said it reminded her of how alone she was whenever she had to look over at it. I know exactly what she's talking about! Sometimes at night while brushing my teeth, I look over at B's untouched vanity and it's just another reminder that he's away. But at least my hubby's coming back to me! I can't wait for him to return.

I've been a bit down the last few days, and I can't pinpoint the cause. I think it's a combination of things. It's been rainy and I haven't seen the sun in three days - the weather often has a big time effect on my mood. Also, everything going on in Haiti has me feeling pretty down. And I know B is in some far off deployment land, but lately I've felt the weight of this distance in a way that I haven't before. It's hard to describe - complicated I guess- but I think with the devastation in Haiti and it's effect on our country and military, I'm just needing the reassurance of my husband's presence during such times of emergency and unknown. He's been everything I need him to be with frequent communication and encouraging words, but I just miss having him home safe and sound.

Making a long drive tomorrow, then enjoying some time with my fellow spouses with deployed hubbies. Hoping for some sun this weekend! :-)


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