Thursday, January 31, 2013

Never a Dull Moment

With this life of excitement, change, surprises, and uncertainties, all is held together by relationships bonded and bound by an unspoken understanding shared only by those apart of this unique world. The ebb and flow of deployments, TDYs, PCSs, PCAs, and the like, wane in comparison to experiencing the death of a member of this community of heros. In the past year we have lost three pilots and close friends, and while B and I did not know the F-16 pilot who died in a crash this week, we have good friends who know him and his family well. While life always brings tragic times and trials of many kind, it seems the frequency and severity of the trials that we face in the military community bring unique challenges. We must learn to manage our emotions despite constant ups and downs, disappointments, and sometimes shocking news. We must press on despite feeling beat down and worn out. We must be strong despite our worries and fears. We must be warriors at home to provide strength to our warriors overseas. We must put aside our wants and dreams in support of a bigger picture, a nobler cause. We must wait and be patient. Endure and not complain. Enjoy each moment in the moment. Live and love fully and intentionally. All of these things we learn from this unique, beautiful, heart-wrenching, growth-producing life.

We found out last week that B will be PCAing to a training squadron, where he will be instructing and staying home from deployments for 1-2 years. We are so grateful and excited for this taste of "normal" life! He was supposed to be out the door for #8 in March for four months, so this came as a joyous surprise. We are thrilled! As excited as I am for this change and blessing, I feel for my friends who are gearing up for yet another deployment. Until last week's news, we were in the same boat. The schedule has been so demanding on everyone and I will continue to pray and be there for our military family.

Still loving life,

Military Mrs.