Spring is in the air - along with new beginnings, growth, color, and excitement. Until now, this blog has served purely as a place for ramblings related to experiences as a military wife, and I generally only wrote during deployment times. Well not only is there more to discuss in life than deployments, but my passion for writing far exceeds the complacent status to which it has sunk in the previous months. So with the freshness of Spring, I find new goals and plans for the coming months in full bloom. For starters, I plan to set aside time every day for writing. Whether or not anyone is out there to read my ramblings, this is more of a personal process than anything. And as these ramblings are somewhat public, a sense of accountability ensues. Yes, these creative challenges are often cliche, but here we go, nevertheless. I generally have a lot to say, think about, write - even if just to myself half of the time. I dream of being an author someday, but have so much more to experience and learn in this life before I can even pretend to know what I'm talking about. And I have to start somewhere. So here it begins.

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