Yes, it's the simple things in life that seem to bring the greatest sense of satisfaction, peace, and contentment. Expensive things can be fun, exciting thrills are sweet for a moment, but there's nothing quite like the enjoyment we receive from the amazing blessings offered through nature and everyday life.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
It's the simple things
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The video game battle
I think the underlying problem here is that B and I are so compatible in just about every other aspect of our lives. So because we differ so drastically in this one area, it seems way more of an issue than it is. I feel bad because I'm not into that stuff and he feels bad because he is. I get annoyed when he's in video game world and he gets annoyed when I get annoyed. It's a stupid cycle and I've decided that it is ridiculous. It is healthy to have unique interests, and each individual should respect the other's individuality rather than attempting to change what he or she doesn't like (within reason - for instance, I'm not condoning 24-hr gaming binges by any means). Easier said than done. But like I said, I'm trying to convince myself. Good talk.

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunny Sundays
We have been searching for a new home church for the past few months. I think we found it this morning. I prayed before we left, for direction and guidance if this was where we should be. B and I both left feeling excited and right at home. I am so thankful and can't wait to check it out again next week.
We enjoyed a lovely breakfast, some Sunday driving, and beautiful beach time. I love Sundays with my husband. Short post today.. still relishing in this glorious day with my love.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
To be content...
Seeking true contentment in life seems to be a neverending pursuit of the human race. I think I may spend my whole life learning to "be content whatever the circumstances." Just when I feel that I am completely content, I am tempted once again to want something more, be something different, have something I don't. These distractions attempt to throw me off course in pursuit of temporary satisfactions, when all the while I already have way more than I need or deserve to be happy.
I found myself contemplating the last few years of my life, which have been far different than I ever planned, but far greater just the same. Challenging, yes. Frustrating, sometimes. Character building, absolutely. I've learned that I am not defined by a job. From public relations, to interior decorating, substitute teaching, home businesses, graduate school, modeling, catering, personal training, to real estate agent. You name it, I've pursued it or at least dabbled, all in the past two and a half years. Is this due to my lack of contentment with whatever I am currently pursuing? Or am I learning to be content with my seemingly "jack of all trades" personality and lifestyle? I believe (and hope) that the former is beginning to transition into the latter. Either way, I am finding how less relevant a job is to one's character and legacy on this earth. To me, life is about relationships and loving others. I would much rather be remembered in that way than as a success in the world's eye.
I met a new friend last night while out with hubby. After telling her about my various "jobs" in the past, and feelings about our beautiful, but rather career-limiting area, her response surprised me. She told me to enjoy this time in my life because I have the opportunity to work or not work thanks to the security of my husband's career. I take this for granted all the time. I am so blessed - and humbled by my unworthiness.
-Still learning to be content whatever the circumstances...
Friday, April 1, 2011
New Beginnings