Nothing beats a nap on the couch on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Well, I take that back. Had my hubby been here to join me, it would have been perfect. Needless to say, the nap was quite rejuvenating after a long Saturday night. I went out to hear a band play with some friends, but ended up frustrated and aggravated with society by the time we left. I haven't been on a night out without my husband since college, and I guess I forgot what it's like without a protective man by your side. Even flashing my ring around as much as possible was to little avail. I found myself struggling to keep control of my enraged feelings toward the completely intrusive, inappropriate, rude people. I don't care how much a person has had to drink. There are boundaries that should not be crossed, and frankly I'm sick of being a victim of such disgusting behavior.
Aside from my own experiences, I found myself contemplating certain generally accepted "nightlife behavior" in a new light. I think it's interesting how some men think it's appropriate to touch a woman in a bar or club just because he's passing by, and often encroaches on her space despite the fact that he has plenty of his own, or another obvious path is available. I see it as a convenient opportunity to touch something he likes. Also, why does speaking to a woman involve touching the small of her back? A polite gesture, or inappropriate advance?
I'm so thankful for the few gentleman out there and hope that the women who deserve them will find them.
I can't wait until my gentleman comes home! (Until then, I'll be a homebody on Saturday nights...)
Hey, I'm so sorry to hear about the losers you encountered this weekend. You're right, there are too many pigs out there, who have no idea how to treat women, or even care to do it right. Alcohol never helps either, and again you're right, it's never a good excuse. Unfortunately too many women let these losers get away with that behavior. They think that's all they have to choose from. Sadly pathetic. There are chivilrous guys out there . . . just most of them aren't found in bars. They're found at the library, church, in classes, in volunteer groups, coaching kids sports teams, or are already married. I understand your dilemma. It's depressing how hard it is to find clean fun, free from oogling eyes, and idiots who can't manage to keep their hands to themselves. Aside from private parties, I have no idea how to find it. That's one of the many reasons why marriage is so great. You can make your own fun! Only a few more weeks left . . .
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement, Liz!