Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Husband gone = I am protector of the household. When the alarm goes off in the middle of the night, I have to handle it. You always have this plan in your mind for what to do if certain emergencies happen - fire, a break-in, etc. So I reacted according to plan initially, but found that in my planning fantasies, I was much braver than I actually am. Let's reenact.. I'm sleeping soundly with Julie & Julia still playing quietly on the TV and my bedroom door closed and locked as usual. Alarm sounds for about 15 seconds and then says "garage door entry." I sit up straight in bed and have my 9MM (which resides on my nightstand locked and loaded every night) in my hands before I even process what's going on. The alarm stops, and I listen for any sounds of someone in the house. If the alarm goes off, ADT calls immediately. I received no call for the first minute. Weird. I have a million scenarios running through my head - someone knew our code, broke in and turned the alarm off and are waiting outside my door, stuff like that - At this point I realize I'm going to have to leave my room to find out what's going on. But I'm literally frozen with my heart jumping out of my chest. I call our good friend Jared, who lives just a few minutes away. He talks to me while I muster up the confidence to open my door and peek down the hall. Sure enough, the door from the laundry room to the garage is open. Now I'm thinking someone tried to come in, or is in the house somewhere. I close my door and lock it again. Then I remember that I have a gun in my hand. I am protector of the house. Still on the phone with Jared, I walk through the house checking each room. I still haven't heard from the alarm company and can't figure out why. I hang up with Jared, and notice some headlights coming down the road. I had never been so excited to see a cop car in my life. I half ran out the front door to meet the police officer - gun still in hand. She explained that the alarm company still had my old cell number on file, and then obviously they couldn't reach B's line since he's deployed. So they sent the police. The officer came in and cleared the house, garage and backyard, and stayed for a few minutes talking to me. She was super nice. A neighbor stopped by to make sure everything was ok. Talk about a lot of commotion for an average Monday night. We decided it could have been either the AC unit kicking on extra hard and pushing the door open, or the wind coming through the garage at just the right angle. The external garage door was closed the whole time, so I don't think anyone tried to break in. But this has never happened before, so you can imagine the scare I had! Boy do I wish hubby were here tonight. Don't plan on getting much sleep tonight.
I love my gun.


  1. I always sleep with a pistol and the shotgun is just a couple steps away from the bed. Being alone so often is one of the reasons I wanted to have my dog here with us. She may not be able to protect us, but she could at least give me a warning that someone is in the house.

    Tom had to spend a couple nights without me in the house recently and he said, "I don't like sleeping in a house by myself!" and I had to stop myself from saying, "Now you know how I feel." Haha...

  2. Ya'll are both BA... I would shrivel in the corner and cry. I have played scenarios through my head when I've been home alone because we live on a camp and random locals come through here at all hours looking for a "good fishin' hole". One of them includes me running out the back door, jumping through the window in Noah's room and running for dear life up the hill. A little less savvy than you ladies...
    I think a little nightstand buddy is in our future...
    Glad everything was okay...

  3. Haha, "nightstand buddy" I like that.

  4. Beth, I concur. You need a nightstand buddy.

  5. Wow, that is really scary. I'm glad you both have an alarm, and a gun you know how to use. I pity the fool who ever does break in, you are seriously prepared girl!! I have neither, but my nextdoor neighbor's husband is a recently retired combat controller. He's home all the time, and bored. A burgler would make his day! I have their number on speedial just in case! He'd be here faster and would be much more effective than the police . . .

    I'm glad your almost nightmare ended safely! Hope you're able to sleep again sometime soon . . .

  6. Hey MilitaryMrs!
    My name is Katie & my good friend Christa McCord (Christa Owen from TCU) just showed me your blog since I am a new Air Force wife of sorts. My husband is in med school, was commissioned in February and left for 5 weeks of officer training yesterday. Anyway, I've been hoping to find more military wife bloggers and was happy to find yours!

    Hope you're having a lovely evening & glad to hear you're all right, by the way :)
