Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's the simple things

New growth is so exciting. Planting, pruning, blooming, and producing. There is a profound satisfaction that one enjoys after a hard day of yard work and upkeep. Here I sit on the back deck, admiring the vibrant colors of my begonias, impatiens, azaleas, marigolds, and lavender blossoms. And oh how I love to pause from cooking dinner to clip some fresh rosemary and basil for the meal, all the while sipping a mojito made with delicious fresh mint.

Yes, it's the simple things in life that seem to bring the greatest sense of satisfaction, peace, and contentment. Expensive things can be fun, exciting thrills are sweet for a moment, but there's nothing quite like the enjoyment we receive from the amazing blessings offered through nature and everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Miranda, I stumbled on your blog a couple of days ago, and I just wanted to let me know how much it encouraged me. My husband is in the Marines, We've been married for 10 months now, but have been apart for 8 of them. He's in Virginia, and I'm in Montana finishing school. Ugh. Most of the time I suppress my feelings of sadness, that we are not together. But your writing has helped me to realize that it is important to acknowledge all those feelings, and with God's help, to work through them. I am doing much better now, than I was at the beginning, and I'm happy to say, that I will be moving to Virginia in a month. Even more exciting is the fact that I will get to see my husband in a week, for the first time since Christmas. Thanks for keeping things real, and sharing how you got through things. It has helped me. :)
