Sunday, November 11, 2012

Faith, Hope, and Love

Veteran's Day - thankful, thoughtful, and proud today. Proud of my husband's hard work and sacrifice. Proud to be an American. Proud to be free.

This deployment has flown by and as we near the end, I reflect on the last few months. Many wonder how we military wives do this day in and day out. I tell them - It's all about your attitude, your relationships with others, your relationship with God, and your relationship with your husband. I would rather be with him and waiting than not be with him, any day. I would wait forever for my man.

Are there hard days? Um, yeah. But they fade in comparison to the brilliance of his homecoming and the many many sweet moments we share when together. And that's what we focus on. That's what matters. I never thought I was cut out for this lifestyle, but here I am, happier than ever! No situation is perfect, and some even seem really bad. But our outlooks, attitudes, and perceptions are what determine the outcome and experience. In the midst of the many unknowns on our horizon these days, we continue to live in the present, one day at a time, with faith, hope, and love.

Blessings this Veteran's Day. Live and love wholeheartedly.

Military Mrs.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lucky #7

The number seven has been the common theme lately. My husband and I just celebrated the seventh anniversary of the day we met, our dog just turned seven (in dog years, aka 1 human year), we are on deployment number seven, and this is our seventh year of military life. I have a feeling the next year will be our best one yet.

Speaking of the next year, there are many unknowns on the horizon. I am trying to maintain peace, but it is a constant challenge. There is a good chance we may have to move to a less than ideal location next year. This may involve continued demanding deployments for another 4 to 5 years. We know it is in God's hands, and worrying does no good, but I'd be lying if I said my anxiety levels haven't been elevated lately. Nonetheless, we continue fighting the good fight, trusting in Him, and focusing on the positive. Life is good and God is great.

I count my blessings every morning that I get to wake up to my husband's sweet face on Skype. Years ago, wives would go months without a letter from their husbands off at war. So yes, I count my blessings. I get excited on a Saturday night when I meet my husband online for a Google date, just the two of us. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend an evening with someone who makes them laugh, knows their heart, and loves them beyond words. So yes, I get excited.

It's a unique life that we live, and many may not understand. But the fruitful blessings that abound declare the wondrous love that we share and Christ's perfect love for us.

Military Mrs.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One Year

It's hard to believe it's been exactly one year since my last post. Where has the time gone? So much has happened since Sept. 9th, 2011! It's deployment time again, and several have passed since my last post. The ups and downs, challenges and triumphs of this year were strengthening. I look forward to more writing when I can find the time and brainpower despite a demanding work schedule and way too many Master's papers. So more to come later. For now, it's just nice to be back in blogger world.

Military Mrs.